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In the meantime, search me up on Novel Updates for more reading materials: HooliganReader

About Me

Hi everyone! Hooligan here! I’m a Malaysian Chinese who is deeeply in love with reading. Full disclosure, my Mandarin is not the best but I can muddle through.

I started out traslating because I wanted to read completely transalted novels but alas some of them were half-assedly translated so I had to turn to MTL. Then, I figured, since I already know the story (and it is amazeballs), I might as well share them with everyone so that they do not have to go through the pains of MTLing them.

Now, with the help of MTL, some editing, Baidu and referncing to the original text, my aim is to try to pick up partially translated novels and completing them so that everyone can enjoy finishing them. So, do drop me a messege if you have any suggestions!

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